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Registration Listing

2025 Spring - PLL

Thank you for choosing Portsmouth Little League. Please read the notes below BEFORE registering.

Residents of Portsmouth, Greenland, Newington, and Stratham are eligible for registration.

Portsmouth Little League is structured with three age-based, baseball divisions as well as a Challenger (adaptive) division.

The age-based divisions include:
  • 11/12 year-olds at Hislop Field
  • 8/9/10 year-olds at Plains Field*
  • 6/7/8 year-olds at Central Field*
*Players aged eight may participate in either our coach pitch or player pitch division based on past play in coach pitch and readiness.

Your player's league age is determined by the Little League Baseball® Age Chart.  Click here for an interactive calculator. The age determination date for Little League Baseball® is the actual age of a child on August 31 of the current year. 

Click here to read more about each division, the fields, and the time commitments.

If you have any questions, during the registration process, please email [email protected].

6/7/8 YO - Coach Pitch

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 03/22/2025 to 06/30/2025
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8/9/10 YO - Player Pitch

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/22/2025 to 06/30/2025
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11/12 YO - Player Pitch

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/22/2025 to 06/30/2025
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2025 Challenger Division - Adaptive Baseball

The Little League Challenger Division® was founded in 1989, and is Little League’s adaptive baseball program for individuals with physical and intellectual challenges.

Any individual with a physical or intellectual challenge may participate. If an individual can participate in the traditional Little League Baseball or Softball program with reasonable accommodations they should do so. The Little League Challenger Division accommodates players ages 4 to 18; or up to age 22 if still enrolled in school.

Register today or click here to learn more.

Challenger - Little League Challenger Division

Registration closes on 04/12/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/12/2025 to 06/30/2026
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Regular Season


Portsmouth Little League is structured with three age-based divisions as well as a Challenger (adaptive) division. Each division has an assigned home field, game schedule and practice schedule.

The age-based divisions include:
- 6/7/8 year-olds at Central Field (Parrott Ave., Portsmouth)*
- 8/9/10 year-olds at Plains Field (Plains Ave., Portsmouth)*
- 11/12 year-olds at Hislop Field (Preble Way, Portsmouth)
Players aged eight may participate in either our coach pitch or player pitch division based on past play in coach pitch and readiness.

Challenger Division
The Little League Challenger Division® was founded in 1989 and is Little League’s adaptive baseball program for individuals with physical and intellectual challenges.

Any individual with a physical or intellectual challenge may participate. If an individual can participate in the traditional Little League Baseball or Softball program with reasonable accommodations, they should do so. The Little League Challenger Division accommodates players ages 4 to 18; or up to age 22 if still enrolled in school.

Your player's league age is determined by the Little League Baseball® Age Chart.  Click here for the 2024 chartClick here for an interactive calculator.  The age determination date for Little League Baseball® is the actual age of a child on August 31 of the current year.  

All children who reside in the City of Portsmouth, Town of Greenland, Town of Stratham, or Town of Newington are eligible to play in our program. All registered players are placed on teams after an "evaluation" date in March.  

Registration & Regular Season
Registration is online and live on February 1.  PLL advertises registration dates on our website, in the local newspaper, and (when possible) through school email distribution lists. All registered players are placed on teams after an "evaluation" date in March.  Practices begin after tryouts and continue through Opening Day when game play starts.  Practices and games continue through mid-June, and teams may practice/play anywhere between three and six times per week based on the division of play. 

A late fee is assessed to registrations after 3/15.  Once the season begins, new players may be added on a space-available basis but only until the round-robin level of play begins in late May.

District 2
Portsmouth Little League is part of New Hampshire District 2.  NH District 2 strives to deliver an unforgettable experience while providing a safe and competitive environment for all of our members. Little League believes in th All registered players are placed on teams after an "evaluation" date in March.   e power of youth baseball and softball to teach life lessons that build stronger individuals and communities. Click here for the NH District 2 Web site.  

More about the 6/7/8YO |  Coach Pitch, Central Division:
 This is our introductory level of organized baseball. Coaches focus on basic fundamental skills in a fun environment. There are two games per week and one practice per week once the season begins. Games are time limited [one hour, 45 minutes] for the first 2/3 of the season. All games in this division are played at Central Field on Parrot Ave. (across from the Library) in Portsmouth. 

The number of teams in this division depends on the number of registered players in this age group. The goal is to have no more than 10 players per team; on occasion a team will roster additional players. We encourage coaches to allow all players in this division be in the lineup for the LLB minimum mandatory. However, we do not force players to meet this requirement. Many players in this division are participating in organized baseball for the first time and need to adjust to the game. 

To keep games moving, to keep the players engaged, and to help with baseball instruction there are special rules used in this division, including:
• Entering all players names into the batting order and batting around the order
• Limiting runs to 5 per half inning except for the last inning of the game
• Allowing free substitutions
• Positioning 10 players defensively (pitcher, catcher, 4 infielders, 4 outfielders)
• Issuing rules for running/stealing on overthrows and passed balls 
• Not applying the infield fly rule
• Limiting game time to one hour and 45 minutes during the regular season
• Prohibiting protests

More about the 8/9/10YO | Player Pitch, Plains Division
The focus of this program is consolidation of the fundamental skills of baseball, pitching, learning the strategy of the game, teamwork, and having fun. All games in this division are played at Plains Field on Plains Ave. in Portsmouth. The field has a 46’ pitching distance and a 60’ base path. The outfield fence is 200’ from home plate. 

The number of teams in this division depends on the number of registered players in this age group. The goal is to have 10 players and no more than 12 players per team; on occasion a team will roster 13 players.

Players in this division must play the minimum mandatory during each game: one at bat and six defensive outs each game. In addition, all players are required by our local rules to play three complete games in the regular season. Players who miss regular season games for other than required school or church activities might forfeit complete game assignments.

A few special rules for this division are: 1) special pinch runner may be used once per game for each batter who becomes a runner; 2) intentional walk rule limits walking any one player to once per game; 3) batting around the order, and 4) use of tournament substitution rules to allow for easier game reentry by players who are not in the starting lineup.

More about the 11/12YO | Player Pitch, Hislop Division
As most players at this level have played organized baseball for a few years the focus of this division is consolidating positional play, advancing knowledge of the strategies of the game, leadership, and having fun.  All games in this division are played at Hislop Field. This field has the capacity for either a 46’ or 50’ pitching distance and a 60’ or 70’ base path. The outfield fence is 225’ from home plate. 

The number of teams in this division depends on the number of registered players in this age group. The goal is to have 10 players with no more than 12 players per team; on occasion a team will roster 13 players. 

Players in this division must play the minimum mandatory during each game: one at-bat and six defensive outs each game. In addition, all players are required by our local rules to play three complete games in the regular season. Players who miss regular season games for other than required school or church activities might forfeit complete game assignments.

One special rule for this division is the use of a continuous batting order.

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